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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Free Domain and Tools

Marketing is and should always be at the core of every business. Internet industry is no different; it is just that the marketing tools are a tad different. They are not the traditional marketing tools. Some are commonly known like auto responders, SEO software, link-building systems, content management programs, affiliate software etc.

There are some more subtle tools which can make your website a big hit. These are indirect marketing tools and many website visitors don't even come to know that they are receiving a sales pitch. These are amongst the most effective tools available on the website. One such tool is the domain name of your website. It is the first point of contact with your potential customers and users. An effective and a crisp name can bring lots of business to your website and a stale website name drives away the users even at a faster rate.

The name of your website should be crisp and related to the business you are in. But at times most of the names that you want might not be available. So instead of taking a name which wasn't your first priority and thus compromising with the quality it is better to go for free domain name offering websites like http://www.dom.ir/y.php. It is a comprehensive website and offers more than 30,000 free domain names. You can and should pick a domain name after doing a comprehensive keyword research. A domain name which is related to the work that you do will help you in getting a higher ranking in search engines, apart from being a very effective marketing tool, sending a clear cut message across to your visitors about the business you are in.

The best part with taking up a free domain name is that you cut down on your costs significantly. The money that you would have spent on getting a paid domain name can be spent on development work. Even if you have taken up a paid domain name, then also you should go for a free domain name which is the same as your paid domain name, because you don't want people to use your brand and run their business in your name, or sell the domain name to some one else.

You can also take up free domain names which are related to the business you do, so that you can market your core business through these links as well. Getting a free domain name is very easy just log on to http://www.dom.ir/y.php. See if your desired domain name exists, by filling it in the search bar. If yes, go to register, which will lead you to a separate page. Fill in the details there and make sure that the details submitted by you are genuine and credible. Describe your page in crisp and to the point information. You can even fill in some keywords there.

An email will be sent to you for verification, once you have done that, you will be redirected to your control panel and you can again edit information there. You now have registered your own free domain. Start marketing your website now using various tools available.

Just remember, the domain name of your website is the most important marketing tool that you can have, getting it correct is striking the right chords upfront.

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